I am a fan of wind farms. I like the whooping noise they make and I like their aesthetics. I came across a wind farm outside Palm Springs in California which seemed to stretch to the horizon. To the writer they are a renewable source of energy and sensible.
Many do not share my appreciation. When I was home in Ireland in 2012 we stayed in Glenties town in Donegal . We tried to stay at one of the town's hotels but it was fully booked - there was a public enquiry taking place on a proposed wind farm in the area. Local landowners claimed it would blight their farmland. Everyone employed lawyers and the hotel provided the locus for the debate.
My Aunt felt similarly about the locating of a wind farm on a hill called Bessie Bell overlooking my home town. She was aghast at the eyesores on a much loved old friend.The Daily Telegraph wheels out conservative nimbys who feel the same about these subsidised bird blenders besmirching the views of the Home Counties.They much prefer nuclear ( also subsidised) or fracking in areas well away from Chipping Norton et al.
I suspect if the alternatives were a nuclear reactor in your back garden, a wind turbine or no electricity at all (with attendant Mad Max style social dispensation) the bird blenders might be more popular.
I quote Dusty Springfield on the matter:
"Like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning
On an ever spinning reel
As the images unwind
Like the circles
That you find
In the windmills of your mind "
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