Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Operating System

On matters regarding puter and related phones and tablets I admit to conservatism. I don't like change - if the 1s and 0s work I don't see the need to update. From experience early adoption means heartache and frustration.

I had been happy with the old operating system for both phone and computer. They were out of date but they were stable and I knew their idiosycrancies. I read in today's papers the sorry news that a security flaw meant I had no longer had a choice - I would have to update. I would be saying goodbye to a familiar electronic face.I had seen the face of the new operating system and found it garish - it's day glo icons reminded me of the children's TV programme the Tellytubbies. With regret I hit install and downloaded a new world. It didn't look brave.

The new operating system has some benefits but nothing remarkable. I am learning a few tricks.There is one constant however - I have no use in the old or new version for the dulcet tones of the voice recognition software. In a film called Her a man falls in love with a new operating system voiced by the siren song of Scarlett Johansson. It's a neat conceit but I can't help feeling its one only a man could dream off. I haven't seen the film so I cannot comment on how the ideas are explored. I can however imagine many women rolling their eyes as they are widowed by a tablet computer or smart(ish) phone.



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