Saturday, 25 January 2014


Pope Francis is an interesting figure.

I am not Catholic but some of his pronouncements on taking office have been admirable. He has criticised the brutality of modern commerce and eschewed the ornate trappings of office. His living arrangements are humble and he is driven around in a small Ford. You judge public figures by their critics . The American Christian right have expressed alarm at his liberalism on social issues and his sympathy for the poor and unemployed.

The Catholic Church has suffered a series of self inflicted catastrophes. From incessant meddling in private lives and a perceived failure to deal with child sex abuse it has been a disappointment to its followers. The new Pontiff seems to be practising what he preaches which in today's affairs is revolutionary.

It is surprising given his background. From accounts he was a conservative figure who underwent a Pauline conversion in his fifties. Given apostolic succession his road to Damascus is fitting.

It would be an irony if Pope Francis became a vanguard against the desiccation of modern economics..


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