Sunday, 25 August 2013


When driving through east Kent we passed Manston airport and the  Spitfire and Hurricane museum.

We stopped at the museum and had a coffee . I noted a lack of Spitfires and Hurricanes but  read on a memorial plaque of the 116,000 RAF deaths during WW2. It was  a world war with battlefields and uniforms.

Modern warfare is different .  Drones are sent to far away places with pilots seated behind video game consoles. In future pilots may be dispensed with altogether and robots will conduct future battles. I doubt they will  build museums  for drone pilots and  robots.

Beside the museum was the strange sight of abandoned and partially cannabilised jumbo jets. I am told they are used for hijack training. Whenever an airline has an incident or a near miss they train on these metal cathedrals.

Modern war is termed asymmetrical. Drones and guided missiles destroy combatants (and non combatants). Planes are hijacked and turned into missiles.

The circle of life and of death goes on.

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