My wife's car is nearing the end of its useful. It is 11 years old and the 100 mile daily round trip has taken its toll. I am going to see a couple of diesel Fords tomorrow to replace the noble steed . Our neighbour ( a car mechanic) is accompanying the shopper as he navigates the choppy seas of M25 car dealers.
My wife called her Ford Ka Geraldine. Owned from new it has given faithful service. The daily journey to Canterbury has added high miles and a rust habit has necessitated a change. I suspect Geraldine will be advertised as spares and repairs despite a years MOT and car tax. One wing has half left its moorings (it is poorly secured with two sided tape) and it has a snapped bonnet hinge weakened by iron oxide.
The grateful owners pay obeisance to noble service on the motorways of South East England. Je vous salue Geraldine